4 - Practice of Community

This practice is about our responsibility to others as a group, recognising how our Practices build and affect our community. It is also about building sustainable energy for ourselves so we can continue with our own personal journey of the 4 Practices even whilst surrounded by others. This is the way to fully manifest for, and in, community - and become aware of our boundaries to create an intimate honesty with those around us.

- Being community-conscious is a big part of what makes a Geisha what she is. By the time a Maiko is ready for her Erikae (turning of the collar - to a white colour only) she is already looked up to by many who are at an earlier stage of her path. This feeds back, of course, in an almost circular way to the Practice of Presence - understanding that practice, the Geisha recognises her place in society. She embodies that understanding by learning to take her social responsibilities in her stride, developing a sustainable energy that anyone who encounters her will be unable to deny!


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